Panicked Pressing

May 29, 2009 at 9:41 am | Posted in A Little Alliteration, Biblical Violence, Luke | 9 Comments
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What would a person who is truly in danger of losing his life do to be saved? What about a person who is in danger of losing his eternal soul?

As Jesus taught and lived the Word and will of His Father, He was sometimes scorned and mocked by those who believed their religious rites, rituals, and self-righteous “good works” made them “too good” to repent of their sins. However, when John the Baptist came on the scene, announcing the entrance of Christ, even those who had been told by the religious elite that they had no hope of salvation began to see for the first time that the kingdom of God actually was open to them.

The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Luke 16:16

These men and women who “pressed in” included publicans, harlots, and sinners, who cast aside public perception and the lukewarm attitude of the falsely secure when they saw the Way of salvation. In their violent excitement they thrust themselves forward, and thrust the naysayers aside, rushing headlong, and storming the kingdom of God.

What if today men and women began to see their true peril? To realize that they needed a Savior more than they needed the approval of men or the sanction of a religious leader? Would not such an attitude stoke the fires of revival in a society that so seldom sees the dire consequences of going into eternity without the cleansing blood of Christ having been applied through receiving Christ personally as Savior?

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:16

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